A podcast host, a pastor and a guest walk into a bar… and invite you to join them! Each episode, we take a big question and try to find the funny side – and try to understand it just a little bit better, too. Join the conversation! Follow us on Instagram @nowtheresathought or email us at nowthereisathought@gmail.com

Saturday Nov 30, 2024
Saturday Nov 30, 2024
Welcome to the Now There’s a T H O U G H T bar! Ok, so it’s not a bar. For the very first time, it’s a stage with a live audience! Thanks to Christians in Science for the invitation to appear at their 80th anniversary conference. My name is Louise, and I am your podcast host. I am joined - also for the very first time - by Rev. Matt Davis, Ministry Area Leader for Mynydd Bedwellte in mid Wales, and by astrophysicist and theologian Rev. Prof David Wilkinson. We walk into a bar to talk about science fact, science fiction, and science theology. Let’s grab a seat, though I’m afraid you’ll have to buy your own drink…
Christians in Science: https://www.cis.org.uk/about-cis/
David’s books that we talk about (not all of his publications, that’s not possible!):
When I pray, what does God do?
God, time & Stephen Hawking: an exploration into origins
God, Stephen Hawking and the multiverse
Life, the universe and everything: 42 meditations for Lent and beyond

Saturday Sep 30, 2023
Saturday Sep 30, 2023
Welcome to the Now There’s a T H O U G H T bar! Ok, so it’s not a bar, it’s a space graciously provided by Gavin from Believing Science and Christians in Science but it contains drinks and good company so it’s close enough. My name is Louise and I am your podcast host. I am joined by Pastor Andy Waddams of Gallery Church in Birmingham and Gavin the biophysicist to walk into a bar and talk about discovery, innovation and God. Let’s grab a seat, though I’m afraid you’ll have to buy your own drink…
Christians in Science: cis.org.uk (it’s also their conference next week! https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/christians-in-science-big-questions-in-science-and-the-church-part-2-tickets-684872812017?aff=oddtdtcreator )
Believing Science: believingscience.org
For CAKE and the astronomers’ network, contact Gavin through one of the above sites
Gavin’s work:
Profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gavin-Merrifield
Caterpillar MRIs: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/279847717_Imaging_Metamorphosis_in_Lepidoptera_with_Magnetic_Resonance_Imaging
Zebrafish MRIs: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0730725X16301606?via%3Dihub
Gavin’s book recommendations:
Ernest Lucas - Can We Believe Genesis Today?
Temper Longman - How to Read Genesis
John Walton - The Lost World of Genesis One
Faith and Fossils: The Bible, Lester L. Grabbe -Creation and Evolution
Conrad Hyers - The Meaning of Creation
David Wilkinson - The Message of Creation
Christopher M. Rio's -After the Monkey Trial: Evangelical Scientists and a New Creationism
Gordy Slack - The Battle Over the Meaning of Everything: Evolution, Intelligent Design, and a School Board in Dover, PA
Contact us:
@nowtheresathought on Instagram

Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Welcome to the Now There’s a T H O U G H T bar! Ok, so it’s not a bar, it’s a space graciously provided by Gavin at Believing Science but it contains drinks and good company so it’s close enough. My name is Louise and I am your podcast host. I am joined by Pastor Andy Waddams of Gallery Church in Birmingham and science communicator Sarah Moring from God and the Big Bang. We walk into a bar to ask, “What do kids think about God and science?” Let’s grab a seat, though I’m afraid you’ll have to buy your own drink…
God and the Big Bang:
Contact us:
@nowtheresathought on Instagram

Monday Jul 03, 2023
Monday Jul 03, 2023
Welcome to the Now There’s a T H O U G H T bar! Ok, so it’s not a bar, it’s a space graciously provided by the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion but it contains drinks and good company so it’s close enough. My name is Louise and I am your podcast host. I am joined by Pastor Andy Waddams of Gallery Church in Birmingham and marine biologist Cara Parrett to talk turtles, toddlers and teenagers. Let’s grab a seat, though I’m afraid you’ll have to buy your own drink…
Faraday Institute resources:
Contact us:
@nowtheresathought on Instagram

Sunday Jun 04, 2023
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
Welcome to the Now There’s a T H O U G H T bar! Ok, so it’s not a bar, it’s a space graciously provided by the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion but it contains drinks and good company so it’s close enough. My name is Louise and I am your podcast host. I am joined by Pastor Andy Waddams of Gallery Church in Birmingham and geneticist Dr Denis Alexander to ask ‘Does Dawkins make people atheist?’ Let’s grab a seat, though I’m afraid you’ll have to buy your own drink…
Faraday Institute resources:
Coming to faith through Dawkins, eds Denis Alexander and Alister McGrath
How my Body Works, Albert Barille (Search “How my body works” or “Once upon a time… life” on YouTube)
The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins
Contact us:
@nowtheresathought on Instagram

Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
Welcome to the Now There’s a T H O U G H T bar! Ok, so it’s not a bar, it’s a space graciously provided by the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion but it contains drinks and good company so it’s close enough. My name is Louise and I am your podcast host. I am joined by Pastor Andy Waddams of Gallery Church in Birmingham and Dr Ruth Bancewicz, a biologist/church engagement specialist to talk about biology, art and inspiring worship. Let’s grab a seat, though I’m afraid you’ll have to buy your own drink…
Wonders of the Living World:
wondersofthelivingworld.org for all online resources and a link to the book.
Faraday Institute resources:
Contact us:
@nowtheresathought on Instagram

Friday Mar 31, 2023
Friday Mar 31, 2023
Welcome to the Now There’s a T H O U G H T bar! Ok, so it’s not a bar, it’s a space graciously provided by the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion but it contains beer and good company so it’s close enough. My name is Louise and I am your podcast host. I am joined by Pastor Andy Waddams of Gallery Church in Birmingham and conservation scientist and kids communicator Steph Bryant to ask questions about questions. Let’s grab a seat, though I’m afraid you’ll have to buy your own drink…
Faraday Institute resources:
101 Great Big Questions about God and Science, eds. Lizzie Henderson and Steph Bryant
Contact us:
@nowtheresathought on Instagram

Friday Mar 17, 2023
Now There’s a BONUS podcast...
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Welcome to the Now There's a T H O U G H T bonus podcast. There was no game in this month's full episode so here's one from our archived material with the marvellous Matt and Davinder from the Faith Experiment. Grab a very short drink and enjoy. Welcome to the bar!

Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Welcome to the Now There’s a T H O U G H T bar! Ok, so it’s not a bar, it’s a space graciously
provided by ChaplaincyPlus but it contains drinks and good company so it’s close enough. Today,
a podcast host, several pastors, a charity exec and a scientist walk into bar and invite you to ask us
anything! It’s the one with the Science and Faith in the Second City gang, hosted by Andy Waddams.
Let’s grab a seat, though I’m afraid you’ll have to buy your own drink…
Science and Faith in the Second City: scienceandfaith.co.uk
Science and Faith in the Second City YouTube channel (with full archive):
My Hyundai: youtube.com/watch?v=p5tEbujYfzE
ECLAS: eclasproject.org
Provide: providebirmingham.com
101 Great Big Questions about Science and Faith, eds Lizzie Henderson and Steph Bryant (watch out
for a future episode on this one!)
William Lane Craig lecture – possibly Cadbury Lectures 2015
Can Science Explain Everything? John Lennox: youtube.com/watch?v=QegB-qUg9Wk
The Rest is History ep 287 Jesus Christ the Mystery and ep 288 Jesus Christ the History
Dominion, Tom Holland
Louise Davis, C3 Gallery Church
Stu Ward, Grace Church Stirchley
Steve Bavington, ChaplaincyPlus
Micah Deegan, The Gate Church
Prof Hugh Rollinson, Knowle Parish Church (and a lengthy career in geology!)
Jonny Mellor, Church Central South
C3 Gallery Church – c3gallery.church
Knowle Parish Church - kpc.org.uk
Church Central South - churchcentral.org.uk
Grace Church Stirchley - gracestirchley.org
The Gate Church - thegatechurch.co.uk
Contact us:
@nowtheresathought on Instagram

Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Ok, so it’s not a bar, it’s my kitchen but it contains beer and good company so it’s close enough. My name is Louise and I am your podcast host. I am joined by Pastor Andy Waddams of Gallery Church in Birmingham and Matt and Davinder Gardner from the Faith Experiment to talk… well… faith. And experiments. Welcome to the T H O U G H T bar! I’m afraid you’ll have to buy your own drinks…
The Faith Experiment
Contact us:
@nowtheresathought on Instagram
**All sound effects performed live by hosts or guests during recording